Organic CSA Shares

A CSA share from Bascom Farm will provide you with a weekly share of the freshest, tastiest, and most nutritious organic vegetables. It’s a great way to support your local farm, eat well, and get a discount (12–20%) off of regular retail prices.

Paying for your CSA with SNAP

Use promo code PAYSNAP2025 at checkout to receive 50% discount on each week you are billed for your share, or individual “Box of the Week”, thanks to Granite State Market Match. To sign up for a SNAP Share, please visit our GrownBy Store.

CSA Pickup Options:

Wednesdays 3:00pm-6:30pm at Bascom Farm

This year we are only offering pick up at the farm due to our limited staff and vehicles.

*****If you have a group of eight or more people, we may be able to work together to share delivery to your workplace or other location. Please contact us ( to make arrangements.******

CSA Options

  • All Season CSA Share

    All Season Share

    Week of June 1 through November 8th, 2025

    A 23-week All Season CSA Share brings you a weekly box of all the best vegetables Bascom Farm has to offer over the full growing season. Plus, this share offers you the largest discount of retail prices!

    Small Share: $644.00
    Large Share: $1,012.00

    SNAP customers: use code SNAP2025 to receive 50% discount per weekly transaction thanks to Granite State Market Match. Please click here to sign up for a SNAP share.

  • Summer CSA Share

    Summer Share

    Week of June 1 – through September 13th, 2025

    A 15-week Summer CSA Share brings you a weekly selection of the full gamut of veggies: from greens, spinach, lettuce, peas, herbs, and bok choy to peppers, tomatoes, cukes, eggplants, broccoli, cabbage, green onions, new potatoes and so much more. Expect up to 12 - and often more - varieties of produce

    Small Share : $446.25
    Large Share: $701.25

    SNAP customers: use code SNAP2025 to receive 50% discount per weekly transaction thanks to Granite State Market Match. Please click here to sign up for a SNAP share.

  • Fall CSA Share

    Fall Share

    Week of September 14th through November 8th, 2025

    An 8-week Fall CSA Share allows you to enjoy an abundance of winter squash, brussels sprouts, potatoes, and fall greens of all kinds. Each pre-packed box contains up to 12 items.

    Small Share: $246.40
    Large Share: $

    SNAP customers: use code SNAP2025 to receive 50% discount per weekly transaction thanks to Granite State Market Match. Please click here to sign up for a SNAP share.

  • Bascom farm Box of the Week

    Box of the Week

    Week of June 1 through November 8th, 2025

    A Box of the Week allows you to order a pre-packed box of organic produce during any week of our CSA. It’s a great option for people who travel a lot during the summer, for SNAP customers, or for anyone who may not want to commit to a weekly CSA.

    Small Box: $35
    Large Box: $55

    SNAP customers: use code SNAP2025 receive 50% discount per weekly transaction thanks to Granite State Market Match. Please click here to sign up for a SNAP Box of the Week.

  • NOFA-NH Farm Share

    Bascom Farm is proud to participate in NOFA NH’s Farm Share Program, which allows limited income New Hampshire residents to purchase certified organic CSA Shares at 75% OFF!! NOFA NH pays 50%, Bascom Farm donates 25% and the recipient pays only 25%!!

    2025 Applications open until March 12th. To learn more and apply visit

    If you would like to contribute to Bascom Farm’s 25% CSA donation campaign, click HERE.

CSA Frequently Asked Questions

  • “Community Supported Agriculture” (CSA) provides a way for you to get the freshest, most nutritious local farm produce and to know and support YOUR local farmer growing your food. It’s like having your own farm grocer! We select the best quality fruits and vegetables for you every week, providing you 12-20% greater value over traditional shopping venues. Your support and commitment as a local customer to purchase a farm share before the season begins helps us be better, more efficient planners -how much to plant, how much extra labor we’ll need, what supplies we need to order - and also enables us to provide better service.

    CSA also helps with tight cash flow early in production, during the first 6-10 weeks of growing seedlings, transplanting, ground prep, etc. that goes on before any veggies are ready for sale. By joining a CSA, your up-front payment and commitment helps stabilize finances on the farm when the $$ are all flowing out to secure supplies and pay labor when the farm has no sales.

  • Each week we will offer up to 12 different produce items for you to select from to fill your CSA share on pick-up day at the farm. We can possibly organize delivery to CSA groups of 8 or more; other pick-up sites may be announced depending on the geographical make up of this year’s CSA. You also receive our periodic e-newsletter featuring seasonal produce, a recipe or two, opportunities to add extras to your basket, and other farm news.  We’ll also offer products from other farmers in the neighborhood such as eggs, chicken, beef, honey, bread and produce we don’t grow, that you can purchase as an add-on.

  •  We offer two share sizes this year: Small provides veggies for 1-3 people, and Large supplies 4-5 people. These shares include up to 12 (or more!) different vegetables at the height of our growing season. Because of the added certainty we get from knowing our produce is spoken for already, you share comes with a great discount!

    For example, the average value of a large weekly organic produce share is $55.00. The summer share is 15 weeks long, a value of $825.00. But as a CSA member purchasing up-front for $701.00 you save 15%!

    We understand paying all up front is difficult for many people so please contact us and we can work out a way to break up the payment. We accept cash, check, credit card, Venmo, and SNAP/EBT. Email us if you want to discuss alternative payment timelines.

  • Bascom Farm is certified to accept SNAP/EBT payments in person and on line!  

    If you’d like to pay for your CSA share with SNAP, select the SNAP payment option under the share size/option desire on this website. This will take you to our GrownBy app. You’ll be billed at our discounted CSA rates weekly. AND…..Use the coupon code SNAP2025 to receive a 50% discount per-transaction thanks to Granite State Market Match.

  • For people who can’t commit to a full CSA term for whatever reason, consider ordering a Box of the Week. You can order any weekly share of either size any week of our growing season, for one or multiple weeks of your choice.

Is CSA right for me?

CSA is a great way to eat local food and support a local farm, but it’s not a good fit for everyone! If you’re not sure if it’s a good fit for you, ask yourself these questions to find out. If you answer YES, then we encourage you to give CSA a try!

Is eating local and organic important to you and are you excited about the idea of supporting a local farm?

Joining a CSA is a great way to support a local farmer! Not only does our CSA help us plan how much to plant and how much labor we’ll need for the year, but getting CSA signups in the winter and spring helps with tight cash flow early in production, during the first 6-10 weeks of growing seedlings, transplanting, ground prep, etc that goes on before any veggies are ready for sale. By joining a CSA, your up-front payment and commitment helps stabilize finances on the farm when the $$ are all flowing out to secure supplies and pay labor and there’s not time or options for marketing those first spring crops.

Are you able to commit to picking up a CSA share each week?

Once you sign up and commit to a CSA, you’ll be expected to pick up your share each week at a specific time. Of course, we understand that things come up and occasionally you may need to make other arrangements or have a friend pick up your share for you, but in general you’ll need to be able to commit to picking up each week.

Are you excited about the idea of trying new veggies and being challenged to cook with whatever is in your weekly share?

Each week’s share will have plenty of “regular” veggies in it, but you may also encounter items that you are less familiar with. And even if you are familiar with all the veggies, the boxes are pre-packed, which means we the farmers decide what you get to eat each week! For some people this is exciting, and for others it feels limiting.

Do you have time to prepare fresh CSA veggies each week?

Preparing and eating a box of veggies each week will take some time. Do you generally have time to spend cooking a meal each day? Or time to prep ahead so you can eat throughout the week?

If CSA doesn’t seem like a good fit for you, check out our Box of the Week. It’s a great way to get local organic veggies without committing to a CSA.